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How long does refinishing take?

The time it takes to refinish depends on a few factors, mainly the size of the item and if there are any repairs to make.  Generally speaking, a tub only can take between 1-3 hours to complete, while a full shower stall could take between 2-5 hours.  Any repairs would add additional time. After the resurfacing is completed, a curing time between 24-36 hours is required. See here for more.

How much money can I save by resurfacing instead of replacing?

It is difficult to say exactly, since there are so many factors that go into a remodel.  It is safe to say though, that refinishing will often be roughly half the cost or less, than the cost of replacing a bathtub.  It should be noted that people who are able to perform the remodeling themselves might see less savings.  However, when time is money, we can save you a lot of time and frustration with our services. 

Soap Suds
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How durable is the refinishing coating?

Refinishing coatings can vary by the manufacturer and quality of the coatings.  A store bought DIY kit will not be very durable.  But with our industrial grade coating, it usually takes the same amount of force to damage our coatings, as it would to damage the original surface.  Occasionally, we see damage that goes through our coating and through the original tub surface.  What is important to know, is that once a resurfaced coating is damaged, it is imperative to call us right away.  That way we can fix the damage and prevent it from getting worse.  

Will the new surface scratch easily?

This can be a tricky question and really depends on how you care for the new surface.  Our refinishing coatings are designed to resist scratching.  However, it should be noted that proper care and cleaning is required to ensure many years of use.  Cleaning products that contain abrasives or acid bearing cleansers should not be used.  We also do not recommend bathing pets, as their claws can damage even the most durable porcelain items.

Flowers on Grungy Wall
Cleaning Equipment

Will my reglazed bathtub be easy to clean?

Yes, the refinishing process completely reseals the old surface.  This restores the surface to a like new condition.  We recommend a light cleaning at least once a week.  Simply use your preferred and approved cleaner with a wet wash cloth.  For a tub only this should only take about 30 seconds.  For more information click here for the care instructions.

Do you have any recommended instructions for my newly refinished item?

Yes, please follow this link to see our full Care Instructions.  You may print the document for easy asccess.

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Modern Bathroom

Will my bathtub look painted?

While the process seems like a straight forward painting job, there is a lot of work both in the labor and in the manufacturing of the chemicals, which leaves a surface that looks glazed on instead of painted.  While anyone can paint their tub with materials they can buy at a local hardware store, it is not recommended.  This is why a professional refinishing job is so important. 

Does the process smell? Can i stay in the home while the refinishing is being done?

The refinishing process can cause a strong odor while the work is being performed and during the curing process.  You can safely stay in the home during the process, though you must stay out of the room when the material application is being performed. *Please note that we and the manufacturer recommend that pets, small children, pregnant women, people with respiratory issues, people sensitive to strong smells and/or people with known chemical allergies should be kept away from the refinishing area as the work is being performed and possibly, depending on their sensitivity, for a minimum of the 24 hour curing period.

Man Airbrushing
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Is it possible to refinish a tub that is badly chipped or cracked?

Yes, we are able to fix a number of different types of damage including chips and cracks.  Please visit our Damaged Tub page for more details or see our article on Damaged Tubs here.

Is your bathtub reglazing process environmentally safe?

We use Low VOC coatings that are as enviromentally friendly as possible.  Though some chemicals are used that, if not handled correctly could be damaging, which is why our technicians follow all safety recommendations while working.

Garbage Cans

I have some remodeling to do, too.  Is it better to remodel before or after the refinishing?

You want to schedule the tub resurfacing for a day when the air quality will be as clean as possible.  Also, tubs tend to get damaged during construction.  For those reasons, we usually suggest to have the refinishing done last.  If you are having a new shower door installed, then that is the only thing that should be done after the refinishing.  Some contractors prefer to have us do our work first, which we are willing to do.

What kind of life span can I expect of my resurfaced item?

We offer several different grades of refinishing.  Depending on the grade, you can expect between 5-15 years of life before you may need to resurface again.  Remember, the better you care for the coating, the longer it will last.

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Previously resurfaced bathtub that is now peeling.jpg

Can you do tub resurfacing on a tub that has already been refinished before?

Yes, but we usually have to remove all or most of the previous coating.  This is to prevent the failing coat from damaging our new surface.

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