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How To Prepare For Bathtub Refinishing

To get the highest quality out of your refinishing project it is important to know how to properly prepare for bathtub refinishing

Step 1) Have large scale remodeling done first

The refinishing process is more of a cosmetic job than other remodeling. We cannot count the number of times that we have fixed bathtubs and other fixtures that were damaged during remodeling.

Step 2) Plumbing replacement and repairs

Dripping faucets must be fixed prior to our resurfacing so that the surface can properly dry. Also new fittings don't often match the shape or diameter of old fittings so it is best to have them replaced first so that there are no gaps when complete. We also need running water in the home to complete our service.

Step 3) Painting

This can be done before or after. But we recommend painting first if possible. Especially if the ceiling is tall and ladders are required. (Avoid putting a ladder in the tub if at all possible!)

Step 4) Electrical

We need full lighting in the room to see what we are doing. Also we need a working outlet in the bathroom for our equipment. Extension cords are not advised as they can damage our equipment.

Step 5) Temperature Control

Refinishing coatings cure best at 70-75 degrees. This temperature needs to be maintained while the technician is working there and for the full curing duration. (Excessively cold temperatures can slow or even halt the curing process)

Step 6) Cleaning

Our processing creates a static charge on the surface being coated. So it is important to prepare the room for bathtub refinishing. As any dust clinging to the walls or floor will go airborne. These dust particulates will then be drawn to the surface. When these hit the wet coating, it will dry into the surface and feel like grit or sandpaper. The cleaner the room before we arrive, the better the outcome. Also refinishing products do not stick well to soap scum and calcium. To avoid any extra fees, please have the surfaced to be refinished thoroughly cleaned.

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